Haiku No. 8
Towel, ladle, bench Wood-burning stove glowing red Sauna… sit, sweat, steam
4 min read
Silly Duck
Quack duck quack flap quack Crash quack over quack pond quack free Quack fly quack bye
4 min read
I plead with my mind to type something. Anything. Any little thought, No matter how big or small, Which might spark something bigger. I feel…
4 min read
Haiku No. 6
Lightning sparks smoke fire Flames licking up trunks higher Situation dire
4 min read
Haiku No. 5
White touching the sky Oh to hike from base to peak Snow covered mountain
4 min read
Morning Manager
Dark streets fly by, barely visible through the foggy windshield. My next apartment will definitely have a garage. My next car will definitely have better defrost. Or maybe…
4 min read