Stored up possessions
House full of things, get a shed
Give it all away
Stored up possessions
House full of things, get a shed
Give it all away
Dark empty shadows
Moon and headlamp reveal trail
Night push to summit
Soft footfall on wood
Sudden scuttling of speed
Cat caught her shadow
Vertical white walls
Dropping in and bounding down
Ski above tree line
Search me for weakness
Show my areas of need
Save me from myself
The things I carry feel heavy
Slowing my steps
Forcing me to negotiate
Lugging it all around
Just stay in today
Each year things feel heavier
My head aches
My joints learn a new pain
So why not set something down
Do I need this heavy thing
Or that one
My body moves better
A little less burden
My mind has calmed
Hard to perceive at first
I continue forward
Leaving more things as I go
My body is still getting older
Some days some things hurt
I’ve left several heavy things
Fleeting memories
No weight to them
More clarity
My body free
Fully fueled furnace
Happily heating his home
Warm winter writing
Tree top blows and bows
Cloud collapses with wind gales
Deep roots dissuade fear
Shady river pool
Wavy finned shadows relax
My fly left untouched
Dark clouds swallow light
Snow will shroud the valley soon
Gusty winds swoop in