Author: Mark

  • Give it Away

    Stored up possessions 

    House full of things, get a shed 

    Give it all away 

  • Haiku No. 94

    Dark empty shadows 

    Moon and headlamp reveal trail 

    Night push to summit 

  • Haiku No. 93

    Soft footfall on wood 

    Sudden scuttling of speed 

    Cat caught her shadow 

  • Haiku No. 92

    Vertical white walls 

    Dropping in and bounding down 

    Ski above tree line 

  • Haiku No. 91

    Search me for weakness 

    Show my areas of need 

    Save me from myself 

  • Heavy Things

    The things I carry feel heavy

    Slowing my steps 

    Forcing me to negotiate 

    Lugging it all around 

    Just stay in today 

    Each year things feel heavier 

    My head aches

    My joints learn a new pain 

    So why not set something down 

    Do I need this heavy thing 

    Or that one 

    My body moves better

    A little less burden 

    My mind has calmed

    Hard to perceive at first 

    I continue forward 

    Leaving more things as I go 

    My body is still getting older 

    Some days some things hurt 

    I’ve left several heavy things 

    Fleeting memories 

    No weight to them 

    More clarity 

    My body free 

  • Haiku No. 90

    Fully fueled furnace 

    Happily heating his home 

    Warm winter writing 

  • Deep Roots

    Tree top blows and bows

    Cloud collapses with wind gales

    Deep roots dissuade fear

  • Trout Bed

    Shady river pool 

    Wavy finned shadows relax 

    My fly left untouched 

  • Haiku No. 87

    Dark clouds swallow light 

    Snow will shroud the valley soon 

    Gusty winds swoop in