Shady river pool
Wavy finned shadows relax
My fly left untouched
Shady river pool
Wavy finned shadows relax
My fly left untouched
Dark clouds swallow light
Snow will shroud the valley soon
Gusty winds swoop in
Credit: Jimmy Eat World, “Hear You Me”
Hear you me my friends
Sleepless roads the sleepless go
Angels bring you in
Valentine viewpoint
In love – Anything for you
Alone – Corporate plot
Cold creeps under skin
Carefully layer wool clothes
Get warm, but not hot
Seemingly simple
Switchbacks up to false summit
Hardest miles to go
Running up the trail
Dodge roots, pine scents, falcon soars
Connecting to earth
The game we long for
Champions crowned, trophy raised
Weary souls take rest
Rushing river roars
Majestic mountain meadows
Cozy cabin calls