Author: Mark

  • Morning Formal Brief

    Time hack zero five hundred

    Anxiety runs high for students in the room

    Instructors sit back waiting on perfection

    We hear weather and notices to air mission

    Aircraft systems and the emergency procedure of the day

    Students squirm while the instructors grow bored

    Zero five thirty and the formalities must end

    It’s time to brief individual flights

    The takeoff schedule waits on no one

  • Icy Glare

    The wind blows over the frozen streets,

    The ice pellets raining down in sheets.

    The dark before dawn broken by the street lights,

    The howl of the wind as it cuts and it bites.

    I stoke the ashes and watch the flames grow,

    I hold my coffee tight and glare out the window.

  • Winter break has come to an end

    Winter break has come to an end

    The morning rush inside the house

    Shuffling bags and papers and lunches

    How did we ever get into the car on time?

    Traffic converges on helpless schools

    Parents jockeying for the perfect drop off spot

    And in a flurry of byes and I love you’s

    Winter break has come to an end

  • Haiku No. 53

    No tracks to follow

    No clear trail trust your calling

    Heavy winter snow

  • Haiku No. 52

    Frosted trees and grass

    Nose stings eyes water mouth breathe

    Winter morning run

  • Haiku No. 51

    Melancholy blue

    Low energy kind of day

    Good for reflecting

  • Haiku No. 50

    Morning clouds burn off

    Boarding cog railway for peak

    Eager to start trek

  • Haiku No. 49

    Sky refracts pink light

    Clouds awash in purple glow

    Front Range morning bliss

  • Haiku No. 48

    Sunrise on east slope

    Purple mountain majesty

    Summit capped in clouds

  • Haiku No. 47

    Nose tucked under paw

    Curled perfectly in bed

    Cat nap after lunch