Singing me awake
Songs of longing and pairing
Springtime musical
Singing me awake
Songs of longing and pairing
Springtime musical
Robin magpie duck
Robin magpie jay jay duck
Crow crow finch finch goose
Bird bird bird bird bird
Bird bird bird bird bird bird bird
Bird bird bird bird bird
Snow melt flows downhill
Trails emerge as muddy troughs
Birds greet our slow trek
Swaddled in comfort
Insulated from true hate
Raised in a blessed place
Focus on next step
Progress with each forward move
Slow and steady gains
My worth is in what?
Bank, house, car, family, or faith?
Will you show me where?
Week draws to a close
All cleaned up, time to restore
Can I rest with you?
Body churns, sweat pours,
Hard work is good for the soul.
What do you work for?