Inwardly focused
Even Earth orbits the sun
Service is greater
Inwardly focused
Even Earth orbits the sun
Service is greater
Floating overhead
Flawless formation in flight
Pelicans seabound
Rising tide big waves
Paddle out channel wait for
Second wave in set
Swells rush in and out
Riders paddle to catch on
Surfing with Santa
Long staccato steps
Gaze intent on still water
Ibis stalks at dawn
Pop scratch static hiss
G chord tune fills silent space
Record spins love song
Mountain trail winds up
Bright sun cool breeze serene sounds
Peaceful morning run
Deep dark rainforest
Man-eating Venus flytrap
Silently waiting
Pain takes many forms
Sting, throb, burn, fog, can’t hold still
Grabs body, heart, mind
Move across the world
New job, make friends, scraping by
What we’d do for love