Tag: Chiefs

  • Crowning the Champs

    The game we long for 

    Champions crowned, trophy raised 

    Weary souls take rest 

  • The Football Game

    They stretch and they run and they test their worth,

    These mighty beasts of the sod and the turf.

    They jog in and they sprint out of the tunnel to cheers, 

    An anthem is sung, people pick up their beers.

    It’s time for the dance of the giants up front, 

    While the little ones scurry on their way.

    A dashing move here, a crash and a crunch,

    Balls carried, thrown, and kicked for play.

    The roars once so loud, they fade in no time,

    There’s praying and hugging and cries.

    It’s all over now, the crowds push to get out,

    Our heroes walk off with the prize.