Tag: Fear

  • Warm and Strong

    I am warm and strong 

    Providing refuge from fear 

    Take comfort in me 

  • Dreams of Love

    What do I lose

       to love with all of my heart 

    Am I worried 

       that I’ll miss out on more 

    Of more and more 

    Am I saving 

       part of my heart in fear 

    The fear of pain 

       to love and lose again 

    Again and again 

    Or do I lust 

       after a fleeting dream 

    A dream of love 

       that is without hard work 

    Work and more work 

    Why not just love 

       you with all of my heart 

    Knowing I will 

       lose and have pain and fear 

    Dream loving dreams 

  • Haiku No. 68

    Starless night no moon

    Roiling clouds pack in darkness

    Eyes shut against fear