The mighty who fly
Headlong facing adventures
Never looking back
The mighty who fly
Headlong facing adventures
Never looking back
Who ever thought of taking flight?
Those who were born without wings.
It makes no sense to leave the ground
Chasing foolish dreams.
The gods took flight and only got burned,
Surely mortals would never fly.
The Renaissance brought failed designs,
Structures impossibly heavy for the sky.
Then mechanics from a city bike shop,
Two brothers and a foolish team.
Set out for some remote sandy dunes
With wood, fabric, an engine, and a dream.
Today we assume everyone takes flight,
The entitlement of people to travel.
But no one will venture beyond the sun,
A problem too difficult to unravel.
Why should we take flight?
Highly mobile on two feet
We fall, we don’t soar
I can’t explain why airplanes
sometimes fall out of the sky.
Even after half a lifetime
spent learning to fly.
Aerodynamics, meteorology,
jet engines, and hydraulics.
Oxygen, electrical systems,
fuel and avionics.
Fortunate to attend,
lucky to complete training.
Spent a season flying the around world
and complaining.
Then I got called back
to where it all began.
Creating new aviators
from pedestrians.
I’ve been rolled upside down
by mistake.
But my plane flew out of it
once clear of the wake.
One autopilot tried diving us
straight into the ground.
But emergency procedures kicked in
and we went around.
So why do some airplanes
simply break apart?
Raining down with men and women
dear to my heart.
Watching the flight recorder
and hearing the tape.
Why did God chose them
but let me escape?
Billions of dollars
and millions of hours.
and often over-powered.
But sometimes things go wrong
and good people die.
And I cry out loud
and still wonder why God, why?
Time hack zero five hundred
Anxiety runs high for students in the room
Instructors sit back waiting on perfection
We hear weather and notices to air mission
Aircraft systems and the emergency procedure of the day
Students squirm while the instructors grow bored
Zero five thirty and the formalities must end
It’s time to brief individual flights
The takeoff schedule waits on no one
Dancing through high clouds
Upside down pull through the loop
Thrill of solo flight
Push throttles engines
roar rolling down runway pull
yoke lift off crosscheck